
At the meeting at the end of August we talked about Andrea Facchinello’s cool plug-ins for Vectorworks. One of them, called Progressive, was a measuring tool that wasn’t suited to the horrible system of feet and inches we use in the US. But it got us talking about the need for a measuring tool that could use a measuring system similar to the one in the Spotlight Hoist and Hoist Origin tools.

Dimension2 is a first attempt at that. Instead of using two tools, the tool has two options in the OIP: Base Point or Dimension Point. All dimension points that share a “Reference Code” with a Base Point will display the dimensions in X, Y, as the crow flies, or all to that Base Point.

There are options to change the lengths of the arrows and to change the radius of the targets.

And any object can have between 0 and 4 witness lines. The lengths of the witness lines are controlled by handles.

Check it out.

Download it here.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.